Thursday, November 21, 2013

Candle light and chemotherapy

Chez Margie is well wrapped up against the winter chill. Mr Margie keeps the log stoves burning and I enjoy lighting candles and watching them twinkle as I count down to Christmas.
Today is day nine of my second cycle of chemotherapy. My blood results were all good yesterday and the pump was changed at the hospital. The oncology nurses were so busy yet they never fail to smile and have a laugh. 
I am thankful for all the support and love I continue to have from all over the world. I had an email from a woman called Heather in the USA, who is a cancer survivor asking me to participate in her project of thankfulness, you can read about it at 

Merino cat has been keeping me company, bringing me gifts and absorbing as much heat as he can. 
Big hugs, 
Margie ❤️


Deborah said...

Good to hear you are warm, cozy, and surrounded by love. The candle light sounds lovely. Across the pond we are expecting snow.

It's so good to hear from you! My regards to Mr. Margie and Merino (what a nice name!).

((x)) Deborah

Thedarkerside73 said...

Good news on your blood levels! Keep at it!

Your living room looks so pretty and cosy and so does your cute puss. And that rather gorgeous crochet throw will keep the chills away.

Take care

P x

my4lilgirls said...

You sound happy & content, enjoy all you have around you, keeping you in prayer Margie
Lots of love Karen x

Vicki Lane said...

You are surrounded with light and love...xox, Vicki

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Such a pretty pics Margie and how gorgeous is your dear little kitty keeping a watch over you in the candle light...
It's wonderful to hear of your good progress,
Take care,
Susan x