Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Crafting and Treatment update

My dear friend Linda called by for a visit on Monday, it has been eight years since we last met and it could just have been yeaterday, it was so good to see her, have a catch up and listen to her words of wisdom. I had not realised how much I missed her until she was standing in front of me. 
I have been working on a Christmas craft for a swap and finally got it finished last night ready for posting off today. 
I was back at hospital yesterday for blood tests prior to starting a Chemotherapy Cycle 3 pre op. I was home when I got the call from the oncology nurse to say my neutrophines were zero and my chemotherapy would be stopped until they rise. As my risk of infection is very high now, I am not having visitors.  I was looking forward to finishing the pre op chemo in time for Christmas, and was disappointed.  Having slept on the news and chatted over private message with my friend in Singapore I was in better form today, looking for the positives.  I will be able to wear long sleeved dresses while I am building back up my neutrophines and showering will be much easier now too. I am so looking forward to having my family all together for Christmas. 
I was back at the hospital today to have the pump removed and meet with my oncologist. I have another blood test next Tuesday. I
 plan to rest, eat well, take my supplements, craft and watch Christmas movies until then.

Big hugs, 
Love Margie ❤️


Catherine said...

Sending you healing wishes and thinking about you

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Thinking of you Margie...yes. you must spoil yourself and take good care...
It doesn't matter how many years pass between good friends does it?...So glad you managed to meet up again must have been such a tonic of the best kind..x
Sending hugs,
Susan x