Friday, November 21, 2008

Last Christmas and New Year

In preparation for the coming festive season pop over to Karen's blog A Scrapbook of Inspiration for the Christmas Fair where you are sure to find all your shopping needs and lots more fun besides.

Mel gets into the festive mood wearing a traditional Bavarian outfit.

Leiny prepared goodies and treats for the drinks and snacks evening with all the family in Ireland, we had visitors over from America, Portugal, France and England during the holidays. Then we (six of us went to Belgium for a few days).

Mr.Margie was glad to be in the place of his birth, skating at the Ice Rink in the centre of Antwerp.

I did a spot of shopping at the new shopping centre while the skaters enjoyed the apres skating.

We stayed at the Droom and Daad and had wonderful food each day.


Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Oh my goodness, Margie! What a lovely family you have! And to be in Europe - how fortunate you are! Skating in Belgium... wow! And that KITCHEN! It is fabulous!

Unknown said...

What an absolutely gorgeous post!!! Your life looks like it is filled with a wonderful family, lots of beauty and a beautiful home. I am so happy that you stopped by and commented on A Christmas Fair. Thank you for mentioning it on your blog. Oh, ice skating, when I lived in New York City, I ice skated all the time at Rockefeller Center. This looks so enchanting. Karen

Unknown said...

What a wonderful Christmas; Brussels is so beautiful! I hope this year is just as memorable.

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

What a great post! You have a beautiful family and are so lucky to have had people from all over Europe! Love the ice skating outside! We don't get much of that here in Texas. LOL
Patricia :o)

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Just received your sweet message, Margie! How wonderful your daughter lived here in Massachusetts! I worked in Boston for many years, having grown up in a neighboring town. I miss that city VERY VERY much (I suppose I am a city mouse now living in the country)! heehee =) Have a lovely weekend!

Annie Wicking said...

Thank you for sharing your photograph with us. It look like you all were having a great time. I'm getting the feelings of christmas all ready.

Best wishes to you and your family.


Deborah said...

This time of year I really miss living in Germany! I have such fond memories of our years there! Thank you for sharing the photos. I haven't been ice skating yet this year. While my son is visiting this week, we'll do a little early decorating after Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Oh Margie this was beautiful! I loved seeing the place your went to and the activities you all participated in. You have such a lovely home and your world is filled with charm and beauty - how lovely!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and I have added you to my frequent visiting list as well.

All the best ~ Sharon

CC said...

What a wonderful post..It looks as though a fun time was had by everyone. :) I know I would have enjoyed it..

Leiny said...

You need to add the pic of the Christmas tree and the presents underneath! It looked great!

Jacoline said...

What a great photo's and a nice post. Skating will be funn!